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For general information regarding West Point please visit Visitors Center | United States Military Academy West Point

Group Tours of West Point

Group visits to West Point offer a great experience for all ages and interests. Review the tours below then submit the request form to plan your visit to maximize your enjoyment of West Point’s unique place in America’s history, and its continuing role in preparing leaders for America’s future. 

Step on Guide Services

All Group Tour requests on a private bus must be submitted via the tour request form below and no less than 10 business days in advance of the tour date.  Manifests must be received a minimum of 10 business days in advance of the tour date and only on the form we will share in the reservation confirmation email.  

  • All tours originate and end at the Visitor’s Center. Any request for a pick up/drop off on West Point must first be approved via our office and will incur an additional charge.
  • Tours can begin at 9:15am and must be off the grounds of West Point by 5PM.
  • Tours are conducted in English. Groups may provide their own translator. 
  • The row behind the driver, both seats, must be empty for our guide. The passengers on board cannot exceed the bus capacity.
  • All guests are required to remain seated while on the bus and chaperones must sit with their group of students.
  • There are no restrooms or rest stops on tours.
  • West Point Tours does not coordinate lunches.
  • Deposits are as noted in the descriptions below and are due at the time of the reservation request. 

 West Point Tours no longer conducts group tours of the museum. For information regarding the West Point Museum to include operating hours, procedures and protocols for school visits call: 845-938-3590. For general information regarding West Point contact Public Affairs at 845-938-2638.

We do not conduct tours on major holidays such as Christmas day, Thanksgiving day, New Years day, the Tuesday, Friday, and Saturday of graduation week in May, and Saturdays of home Army football games (please visit to check the schedule). While a rare instance, being an active duty Army post, tour times and access to venues within West Point are subject to change without notice. 

Expand the tour names below for full descriptions and costs.

Group Tours

School And Scout Groups

Create a rich educational experience for your Students or Scouts with a tour of historic West Point. Please review the criteria below as well as the tour options that include descriptions, lengths, and costs. Submit the tour request form on this page when you are ready to book your groups experience.

To qualify for this rate you must be a Scout or School sponsored trip in 5th-12th grade booking directly via the School or Scout group. Minimum group size is 20 guests with most of your group within a similar grade level.

5th-8th grade must provide 1 Chaperone for every 8 students; 9th-12th grade must provide 1 Chaperone for every 10 students. The driver and our guide do not count as chaperones. The row behind the driver, both seats, must be empty for our guide, and the passengers on board can not exceed the bus capacity. All guests are required to remain seated while on the bus. 

All tour requests will require a $50 deposit or purchase order in order to receive a reservation confirmation.

a close up of a logo

West Point Military Security Requirements For Groups

West Point is an active duty military post. All guests are required to submit accurate ID information on the manifest we will provide, produce the same ID on the day of the tour (no photocopies accepted, no exceptions), and are subject to a West Point security background check.

  • WEST POINT ACCESS CONTROL-guests will be denied a tour based on any of the following reasons.
    1. NCIC-III contains criminal arrest information about the individual that causes the senior commander to determine that the person presents a threat to the good order, discipline, or health and safety of the installation.
    2. A claimed identify that cannot be verified based on the reasonable belief that the person submitted fraudulent identity information in the attempt to gain access.
    3. Current arrest warrant in NCIC, regardless of the offense or violation.
    4. Current bar from entry or access to a Federal installation or facility.
    5. Conviction of crimes encompassing sexual assault, armed robbery, rape, child molestation, production or possession of child pornography, trafficking in humans, or drug possession with intent to sell or distribute.
    6. Conviction for espionage, sabotage, sedition, treason, terrorism, or murder.
    7. Being a registered sex offender.
    8. Felony conviction within the last ten years regardless of the offense or violation.
    9. Felony conviction for a firearms or explosives violation regardless of when the conviction occurred.
    10. Engaged in acts or activities designed to overthrow the U.S. Government by force.
    11. Been identified in the NCIC KST file or TSDB report as known to be, or is suspected of being, a terrorist or belonging to an organization with known links to terrorism or support of terrorist activity. Installation access control personnel will strictly follow the FBI’s published engagement protocols.
a drawing of a person

Days of Operation

Tours operate daily except for:

The Saturdays of Army home football games

Thanksgiving Day, Christmas Day, New Year’s Day

During Graduation Week on May 19, 22, & 23

a drawing of a person

Hours of Operation

Tours can start after 9:00 AM.

All tours must end by 5:00 PM daily.